Saturday, January 23, 2010

Can i still get a french pedicure even though my nails r kinda short and one of my big toenails is rlly short?

my toenails r kinda short but the whole corner of one of my big toenails came off so i clipped the whole thing rlly short but it grew back to the point where is at least looks normal but still kinda short. could i still get a french pedicure or would it look bad? i was also gonna get flowers on my big toes if that makes a difference...

thankx =]=]Can i still get a french pedicure even though my nails r kinda short and one of my big toenails is rlly short?
Yes!! They have fake toenails that you can put on your toes, just like the fingernails, they are acrylic and look really pretty. Also just frenching the first toe and leaving the others sold looks cute too!Can i still get a french pedicure even though my nails r kinda short and one of my big toenails is rlly short?
gurl ofcorse you can if you feel uncomfertable with the way ur nails look then you can also try this powder stuff that turns into a nail like substance and makes your nail look better nt 411 don't let what other people say get to you
yep its fine. leave it to the professionals

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