Friday, January 22, 2010

How can i make my feet soft without getting a pedicure?

i have been putting moisturizer on them but it doesn't seem to be working. i even have been using those weird rock like things to soften them...

they're even peeling..

i don't put gobs of moisturizer on i just put on a bit, should i put on more?

what can i do to make them softer?

extra details:i don't wear flip flops a lot, i do let them get air at night and during the day. How can i make my feet soft without getting a pedicure?
I'm not sure what part of the county you live in, but if you have a drug store nearby, such as Walgreens or anything, they have something called the PedEgg, which I hear works GREAT! It's only about 6 dollars. Haven't tried it myself, but many friends have it and love itHow can i make my feet soft without getting a pedicure?
you can by a footpaddle from most salon and spa's they arent that expensive maybe 10-15 bucks i recommend the one by dannyco.the ones from the drugstores dont seem to work. soak your feet in warm-hot water for 10 - 15 min take one foot out and dry it off. wet the foot paddle go over your heal and ball of your foot with the rough side for a few minutes(feel with your hands until it feels smooth) then go over your entire bottom of your foot with the softer side . the helps to get rid of all the dead skin cells. which build up into calluses. then repeat on the other foot. when done get a foot moisturizer they are thicker then body moisturizers adn apply to your feet then wrap them up in saran wrap and put socks on. the saran wrap will keep the moisturizer from absorbing into your socks=more moisture for the feet!keep the saran on for as long as you like some people sleep with it on there feet. or they will sit and watch tv for an hour.
get vaseline and heavy socks and put them on your feet over night.

Also, they have pedicure booties that warm up, you can also use that with the vaseline and heavy socks.
Put vaseline on your feet at night (a thick layer of it) and put on thick socks that won't come off. After you wake up and wash it off, then try using a pumice stone or foot filer.
put vaseline on generously, then put socks on and go to bed you will be surprised how soft they are in the morning
foot soak. put some in ur bath tub and stick ur feet in. then put lotion rite after. dont use pumice stones so often. only once a week.

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